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Diagnostic assessment for Autism (also known as Autism Spectrum Disorder or ASD) with a neurodiversity-affirming clinical psychologist.


Suitable for adults who wish to apply for supports (e.g. NDIS) and for those seeking to increase self-understanding.


Completed entirely online (through videoconference).


We also offer combined assessment for Autism and ADHD.


If you have any questions that are not addressed below, please feel free to contact us at 0480 034 273 (call or text) or

  • What does the assessment involve?
    Before the session You complete questionnaires about potential austistic traits, ADHD symptoms, and mental health. If possible, questionnaires are also completed by others (someone who knew you in childhood and someone who knows you now - these can be the same person). School report cards are also useful if available. Assessment session You meet with a clinical psychologist via videoconference to assess traits of autism (and ADHD if you are seeking a combined assessment) against DSM-5 criteria through discussion of your experiences. The clinical psychologist will guide the discussion, and it is ok if you are unsure about some (or even many) questions. If you are happy to have someone who knew you as a child attend your session with you this is an option (but is not required). The interview is conducted via videoconference and typically takes 3-4 hours (with breaks!). If additional assessment is required a follow-up appointment may be arranged. After the session If you are also being assessed for ADHD, you will also complete a 20-minute neuropsychological task on your computer at a time that works for you. Once all the required components of the assessment are completed the assessment report will be produced (including diagnosis and recommendations). This usually takes 1-2 weeks.
  • What is the total cost?
    An Autism Assessment is 1980. An ADHD Assessment is 980. A combined Autism and ADHD Assessment and report is 2490. Half the fee is payable before your assessment session, and the balance is due before the report is produced.
  • How long will it take to receive the results of my assessment?
    Once you have completed the assessment process a report will usually be available within 1-2 weeks.
  • What is Autism?
    Autism (also referred to as Autism Spectrum Disorder or ASD) is an experience associated with difficulties in social communication and interaction. For example, an individual on the autism spectrum may have difficulties with: · Starting and engaging in back-and-forth conversation. · Sharing of emotions and interests. · Nonverbal communication (e.g. facial expressions and gestures). · Developing, maintaining, and understanding relationships. ​ Individuals on the autism spectrum also often experience restricted or repetitive patterns of behaviour, interests, or activities, for example: · Repetitive motor movements or speech. · Inflexibility in routines or ways of doing things. · Interests that seem more restricted or fixated than typical. · Under- or over-reactivity to sensory experiences (e.g. touch, temperature, pain, lights, sounds). Here is one autistic person's description of how they experience autism:
  • Can Autism appear differently in "high-masking" individuals?
    Some individuals with autism may not display autistic traits publicly due to attempting to 'fit in' or appear 'typical' around others i.e. 'masking'. This appears to be especially likely among women, but many men on the autism spectrum also engage in masking. This possibility would be explored as part of the assessment process. Here is a useful description of traits that are common among women with autism (and high masking men):
  • Is Autism often accompanied by other diagnoses?
    Autism is often accompanied by other forms of neurodivergence or mental health diagnoses. For example, 50 - 70% of those who meet the criteria for ASD also meet the criteria for Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Anxiety, depression, and some physical difficulties (e.g. hypermobility) are also more common among those with diagnoses of autism.
  • What is ADHD?
    Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) describes a persistent pattern of difficulty sustaining attention and/or hyperactivity-impulsivity that interferes with functioning. Here is a useful description of what ADHD is from someone who experiences it:
  • How do I know whether I might meet the criteria for a diagnosis of Autism and/or ADHD?
    While no screening questionnaire is 100% accurate, it may be worthwhile completing the following screening questionnaires to gain insight into the degree to which you relate to common traits of autism or ADHD. Autism brief screening questionnaire: ADHD brief screening questionnaire: Please note, some individuals with autism may have lower scores on screening questionnaires due to 'camouflaging' or 'masking' behaviour i.e. attempts to 'fit in' or appear 'typical' around others. This possibility would be explored as part of the assessment process. A diagnosis of autism and/or ADHD may also be more likely if there is a family history of diagnoses or traits of autism or ADHD.
  • What happens after I receive a diagnosis of Autism and/or ADHD?
    When you receive your report you will have an opportunity to debrief with the assessing clinical psychologist. After Autism Diagnosis Following diagnosis of autism, learning more about how autism influences your life and relationships is highly recommended. Mental health symptoms such as depression often improve to some degree when previously undiagnosed autism is finally diagnosed. Many people also find therapy helpful with processing previous life events through the lens of autism, and making plans for how to move in valued life directions with greater understanding and effectiveness. After ADHD Diagnosis Treatment for ADHD most commonly involves a combination of medication and behavioural strategies. Medication can help you improve your capacity to sustain attention in order to learn new behavioural strategies. Many people with ADHD find an ADHD coach or ADHD skills group program helpful.
  • What if I need to apply for supports (e.g. NDIS) or accommodations (e.g. at school or university)?
    The Harbour Clinic can assist with any documentation that is required to access supports or accommodations. Reports from our assessments include an official diagnosis (including severity levels in the case of Autism), assessment of functional impairment, and support recommendations. Please note that a diagnosis is not a guarantee of an approved application for NDIS supports (as this depends on other factors such as level of support needs). More information regarding applying for NDIS supports may be found here: Queries regarding supports or accommodations at school or university should be directed to your educational institution, but your assessing clinical psychologist will be happy to complete any application forms which are required.
  • Do you prescribe medication?
    A clinical psychologist is able to provide official diagnoses, however we do not prescribe medication. If there are other experiences also occurring alongside Autism (e.g. anxiety, depression, or ADHD) and medication is desired, we recommend a number of psychiatrists who are familiar with our assessments.
  • What is the benefit of undergoing an assessment?
    Often those with undiagnosed Autism, ADHD, or other difficulties have been struggling for years without knowing why. Some unfortunately see their difficulties as evidence of character flaws. ​ For many it is a relief to understand the source of their difficulties - whether it be Autism, ADHD, or another diagnosis. This can then facilitate increased understanding of oneself and engagement with sources of support. ​ Although we do not prescribe medication, having an existing diagnosis if you do end up seeing a psychiatrist can also save time. Some psychiatrists ask for a prior assessment (e.g. by a psychologist) before your psychiatry appointment.


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